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The selected dataset


This function is reexported from the purrr package. It allows users to select a single dataset from one of the datacubes available across the 'many* packages'.


# \donttest{
pluck(emperors, "UNRV")
#> # A tibble: 99 × 7
#>    ID               Begin   End     Birth Death FullName                 Dynasty
#>    <chr>            <mdate> <mdate> <chr> <chr> <chr>                    <chr>  
#>  1 Augustus         -0027   -0014   63 BC 14    Gaius Julius Caesar Oct… Julio-…
#>  2 Tiberius         -0014   0037    42 BC 37    Tiberius Claudius Nero … Julio-…
#>  3 Gaius (Caligula) 0037    0041    12    14    Gaius Caesar Germanicus… Julio-…
#>  4 Claudius         0041    0054    10 BC 41    Tiberius Claudius Nero … Julio-…
#>  5 Nero             0054    0068    37    68    Claudius Nero Caesar (b… Julio-…
#>  6 Galba            0068    0069    3 BC  69    Servius Sulpicius Galba… Year o…
#>  7 Otho             0069    0069    32    69    Marcus Salvius Otho / I… Year o…
#>  8 Vitellius        0069    0069    15    69    Aulus Vitellius / Aulus… Year o…
#>  9 Vespasian        0069    0079    9     79    Titus Flavius Vespasian… Year o…
#> 10 Titus            0079    0081    39    79    Titus Flavius Vespasian… Flavian
#> # ℹ 89 more rows
# }