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Compare missing observations for 'many' data


compare_missing(datacube, dataset = "all", variable = "all")



A datacube from one of the many packages.


A dataset in a datacube from one of the many packages. NULL by default. That is, all datasets in the datacube are used. To select two or more datasets, please declare them as a vector.


Would you like to focus on one, or more, specific variables present in one or more datasets in the 'many' datacube? By default "all". For multiple variables, please declare variable names as a vector.


compare_missing() returns a tibble with information about each dataset including the number of observations, the number of variables, the earliest date, and the latest date in all observations.


compare_missing() compares the missing observations for variables in each dataset in a 'many' datacube.


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 25 × 6
#>    Variable  Dataset    Class     Count Missing `Percent Missing`
#>    <chr>     <chr>      <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>             <dbl>
#>  1 Begin     wikipedia  mdate        68       0              0   
#>  2 Begin     UNRV       mdate        99       0              0   
#>  3 Begin     britannica mdate        87       0              0   
#>  4 Birth     wikipedia  character    68       5              7.35
#>  5 Birth     UNRV       character    99       0              0   
#>  6 Cause     wikipedia  character    68       0              0   
#>  7 CityBirth wikipedia  character    68      17             25   
#>  8 Dataset   wikipedia  character    68       0              0   
#>  9 Dataset   UNRV       character    99       0              0   
#> 10 Dataset   britannica character    87       0              0   
#> # ℹ 15 more rows

# }